We are creating hand-made small fabric items, hand-made apparels and order-made cloths. (Items made from fancy fabric are also buy-able.)
Hand-made apparels are general clothes which you can wear. Some of our selling are;
- T-shirt (short, half, long sleeves)
- Shirt (short, half, long sleeves)
- Tank
- Skirt
- Pants (regular, half, or shorts)
- Dress
- Children’s wear
- T シャツ (半袖、 5 分丈、長袖)
- ワイシャツ (半袖、 5 分丈、長袖)
- タンクトップ
- スカート
- パンツ (レギュラー、ハーフ、ショートパンツ)
- ワンピース
- 子供服
Order-made cloths. Want to have apparel items which satisfies your request? You may not be able to find ones in store, or online, because;
- the color of the cloth is not what you favor.
- the design of the fabric cannot interest you.
- the size does not fit (too big or too small, too long or too short).
- you saw a good item that you would like to wear, but it is not sold or not available.
- you want to buy ones for costume plays.
- uh… other reasons.
Contact us. We may be able to help you and provide the cloths which you want.
- 好みの色の服が見つからない。
- 生地のデザインが興味を引かない。
- サイズが合わない(大きすぎ、小さすぎ、長すぎ、短すぎ)。
- 欲しい服を見たが、売ってない、売り切れている。
- コスプレ用の洋服を買いたい。
- えーと、ほかの理由で。